Living Face down in the waterWhen David and I got married, he asked me what was on my ” bucket list”. Quite honestly, I had spent most of my life taking care of people around me and had not considered that question for myself. After much thinking, I decided I wanted to be “in the screensaver”, you know, the picture of a Caribbean island with clear blue water and white sandy beaches. I had never been out of the country and that was my item.

Fast forward to my 40th birthday and we were “in the screensaver”. We went to Jamaica and I was moved to tears at the magnificent beauty of this place. David and I took a boat out to snorkel the reef. I was so excited, until they took us to the deep, rough, choppy waters. As we jumped into the water and I saw the heights of the waves, I got kinda terrified. I am a good swimmer, but those waves were unlike anything I have ever experienced. I decided the boat might be the better place and this life jacket seemed pretty puny. David saw my panic, grabbed my jacket, and yelled, “put your face in the water!!” When I stopped freaking out and did what he said, I was AMAZED. What I saw was God’s creation and splendor that I thought only occurred on a TV screen. The colors and the beauty of the marine life was stunning. I decided to look back up to share my experience with my precious husband, but again, those blessed waves hit me in the face and I was overwhelmed again. Sensing my freaking out again, David held onto me tightly and continued to remind me to “put my face back down in the water.” Surprisingly, I had perfect peace again.

I am sharing this story because this is how I have to live out my faith in Jesus Christ. When I look at the waves that continue to hit me at every point, I can get discouraged and overwhelmed. When I set my face on my Savior, I have serenity, beauty, and the knowledge that in the end , my eternal life is secure and I find perfect peace.

I also realize that just like my time at the reef, I was being held on to, very tightly. David was not letting me go. I did not have to worry about floating away or being lost at sea. I was not just being held- I was gripped. Isaiah 49:16 says, “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” God is holding me and He will never, ever let me go. I have this blessed assurance that I am His and He is mine. No matter the storms that I may face, He will NOT let me go.

Today, I am encouraging you to put your “face in the water”. See the beauty of being held, despite the storms of life and the waves around you. God has a way of showing us true beauty when we keep our eyes fixed on Him.

Courtnay Aycock


  • Anne Arp says:

    Awesome and timely message as I prepare to attend the Don’t Do It Charlotte protest today. With all the craziness that the proposed Ordinance changes would bring it is easy to feel overwhelmed and scared but I am going to put my face in the water and trust Him. And just like in Daniel whether my God chooses to allow this to happen or whether He stops it – He is still in control!

  • Your Mom in Law says:

    Loved the message but no way am I going snorkeling! I like seeing God’s beauty on land.

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