Storm warning

Summer has arrived with its heat, humidity, frizzy hair days and sunburned skin ( I am a red-head, the struggle is real). Along with the heat comes unexpected thunderstorms. We all have differing opinions about these storms. Some of us love the sound, smell, and refreshment of the unexpected rain. Others view these as nuisances, hazards, and downright scary. The sound of thunder and lightning can be filled with fear. We all have things we like or dislike about the thunderstorms, however we all know we need the rain and it is nice to feel the temperatures drop after the storm is over.

There are other storms that most of us would agree are just downright awful. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are catastrophic in nature. We have strong opinions about the damage, loss of life, destruction of homes and complete loss that storms of this magnitude provide. They are terrifying and I feel safe saying that NO ONE wants this level of storm any where near their lives.

Our lives are filled with storms. Many storms are like the passing summer thunderstorms. They are necessary and even though they can mess up what we had planned or bring some fear, it’s not very hard to see the good and the storm passes quickly.

Most of us don’t know what to do with the catastrophic storms in our lives. What about when tragedy hits home and you feel completely lost. These times reveal what is deep in our hearts, what we truly believe, and most importantly, who we trust. In John 16:33, Jesus tells His disciples, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” This is our storm warning. Jesus told us that storms or trouble WILL come. He reminds us that He provides peace and has overcome the world. When we accept Christ, we become part of His body of believers. His word is full of promises to protect, comfort, and help us when the hard times come. He wants us to keep our eyes on Him and not focus on the storm, as horrific as it may be.

Mark 4:37-41 shows us how our Savior dealt with a terrifying storm. The Bible says, ” a furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat so that it nearly swamped.” That is a serious storm that they could have all died from. Jesus was on the boat at the time as well as the disciples. How did Jesus react to such a perilous situation? He was asleep on a cushion! The disciples woke Him up and said to Him, ” Don’t you care if we drown?” Have you ever been in the middle of the biggest storm of your life and felt like asking God, ” Do you think I can survive THIS?! ” God, in His infinite wisdom, power, and compassion sees our humanity and loves us in the storm. In this story, Jesus gets up, rebukes the wind and the waves, and everything is calm again. He then asks His disciples the question that I know He is asking us all, ” Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

This is the heart of the matter: when the storms come that we know we can’t handle and that we feel like we can’t survive, do we trust that the Master of the storms can calm them or do we cling to the fear of the circumstances? We all have people that we know, maybe the person you see in the mirror everyday, that shouldn’t be able to survive what they are facing. The answer is that in our own strength, we can be overwhelmed. With God on our side and Jesus in our hearts, we must  challenge ourselves with the words from the mouth of Jesus Himself. Ask yourself, ” Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”. If you are afraid, ask God to take your fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 teaches us, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Fear is not from God- ask Him to take it and fill you with His love, power and a sound mind. Secondly, ask God to help your faith to grow. He is faithful and many times we need to remind our weary selves of who God is.

I pray for all of us that are facing storms right now. I am thankful that no matter how fierce the storm may be, we have the assurance that Jesus is with us and that no storm lasts forever. We have the promise that the God of the universe is on our side. That is a great comfort in the times of deep trouble- I encourage you to trust Him today.

Courtnay Aycock

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