It struck me the very moment that I saw her photo. As my eyes welled up with tears, I hugged her daughter, my precious friend Gloria, who lost her mother and worked so hard to honor her in these final moments of her home going service. You could not dare call this a funeral; you see the lady that was being honored was HOME. She had spent every breath of her existence honoring her first love, Jesus Christ and she was with her Savior. There was grief, as there should have been and continues to be at the loss of such an incredible soul here on earth, but Mrs. Ruth Wilson has to be the most beautiful woman that I never met.

Mrs. Wilson met her sweet husband, Ralph and they stayed committed to Jesus and each other for sixty-eighty years. They had five precious children together, twelve grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren. When “Mrs. Ruth” as she was affectionately known by many, needed to be cared for in a nursing home, she loved everyone. She could not wait to tell them about her first love, Jesus. Her life was a prayer and her words were a hymn. She lived and loved the gospel. She kissed everyone on the hand, literally. She changed the people she touched in every way. Oh what a different world it would be if we could all be more like Mrs. Ruth.

As a woman of God, my deepest hearts desire is to be as beautiful as Mrs. Ruth. For 96 faith-filled years she lived Proverbs 31: 29-31

Many women do noble things,

but you surpass them all.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;

but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Honor her for all that her hands have done,

and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

May we all live lives worthy of this testimony. God bless the legacy of Mrs. Ruth Wilson.

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