Here I stand, looking at a tsunami of a wave, feeling like a small child. But I feel a call to dip my toes in the water and start to get wet. Are tsunami’s deadly? Absolutely? The sheer size and power is overwhelming, but I know it’s time.

What am I talking about? Breaking my social media fast and diving back into a world of people being divisive, nasty, and mean. It looks like a den of vipers and I have not missed it. The fast started back in June, or maybe May. You lose all sense of time off the “Book” and the “Gram”. David and I started the pandemic overwhelmed as small business owners of a medical practice that was forced to be shut down. Twenty four hours later, we were broadcasting seven times a week for Desert Streams. Writing, encouraging, counseling, managing and trying to keep my own fragile health in check, while caring for those around me became overwhelming. So, we went deeper with the Lord. We prayed longer and spent more time in worship and gratitude. That is what sustained us and every single thing we have.

Then I felt compelled to fast social media; it was not good for my emotional or spiritual health. That compelling feeling to go to those sites, even just a few minutes here or there made me realize I had more time to give to Jesus. And then I felt this wonderful sweet release from it all. It has been amazing to disengage from the muck and the mire. But…

This past week, the Holy Spirit gently started to nudge me back. The Lord showed me that there is a balance to being truth and love; encouragement and kindness; peace and laughter; and to being a peculiar people. (I have always nailed that peculiar part…)

David reminded me that darkness is simply the absence of light. John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Do you realize that when the dark gets really dark, it does not take a lot of light to change the scene? And yet, as believers in Christ, WE ARE THE LIGHT! And if we don’t show up and get involved in all of the areas that matter, the darkness wins because of the absence of light?

So, here I go friends. I am going to dip my toes back in. Then, I am going to wade on in to these deep waters, full of sharks and vipers, with a tsunami up ahead. It’s not just on social media. It’s everywhere and it’s overwhelming. I have to balance my time in these crazy waters with how much time I spend with Jesus. He reminds me that He made the water and when I keep my eyes on Him, I can walk on these stormy seas. So can you, and we, my brothers and sisters in Christ, are not alone.

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