Mental health needs have spun violently out of control. We need help. We need a Savior. We need practical help to get ourselves and our loved ones through today AND all of our tomorrows.

Every one of us is impacted by the lack of mental health care around us. We all have loved ones, friends, family, or co-workers that struggle with anxiety, depression, and other battles within our minds. The struggle is not exclusive to America. According to the ADAA, “Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Almost 75% of people with mental disorders remain untreated in developing countries with almost 1 million people taking their lives each year. In addition, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 13 globally suffers from anxiety. The WHO reports that anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders worldwide with specific phobia, major depressive disorder and social phobia being the most common anxiety disorders.”

The world is hurting. There is no amount of money, technology, or substances that can cure the broken mind and soul.

But, there is also hope. In the middle of your desert of desperation, hope is found in Christ and Christ alone. Isaiah 41:10 teaches us, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you,  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Our desire at Desert Streams is to provide hope and healing through the dry seasons of life. We want to lead you to the living water that Christ can provide.

If you are in a dry and dusty season of life, we want to give you some practical things that you can do starting right now:

  1. If you are considering harming yourself or someone else- call 911 or immediately go to the closest emergency room and tell them what you are feeling. There is help available for you. Please don’t do something that can’t be undone.
  2. If you have been struggling with depression or anxiety, please contact a mental health care provider or your physician. There are so many treatment options available. We have a list of trusted resources on our website,
  3. Take care of your soul. Attend church, a Bible study, a small group, spend time in prayer, or read your Bible. You need to talk to God about how you are feeling, especially if you feel like God has abandoned you. He has not.
  4. Share your feelings with a TRUSTED person in your life. This may be your spouse, a pastor, or a friend.
  5. Do not isolate yourself, even though you may feel like it.

We offer many services at Desert Streams to help you and your loved ones. We are not a crisis intervention center. There are places that are that we have on our website. We do, however, offer counseling by appointments, have weekly Bible studies, monthly social gatherings, offer workshops, conferences, and a monthly support group for depression and anxiety.

Resolving the mental health care crisis we are facing is a complex puzzle. We hope to offer some pieces that provide solutions through the promises of Jesus Christ. We pray that this blog opens a dialogue to share with those around you that are struggling. There is hope. There is healing.

Courtnay Aycock




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